Saturday, June 9, 2007

Transformation: Retool

Hello everyone,

This Blog was developed to capture the imagination and skills of the pre-retiree no matter what your age, and give you options for this Transformation enabling you to Retool and rethink what comes next in life for you.

We don't want you to be stifled by this process of change to come. We are Blogging to help you where we can.

We want to give you information that is meaningful to you, and your family. It is this element that brings you here, and it is this desire that will empower us, and bring influential people into the blog to get you there. We hope to have guest writers who have made a great deal of money after they Retooled, and took action to do so.

We want you to become social on our blog; meet and greet others. These things often don't come naturally for some, and we are here to inculcate (impress on the mind) that this is where to do it, and we'll help.

So build the relationships, and the blog. This can be an unparalleled (having no equal) experience on the internet TODAY for those of us in Transformation.

No matter what our standing in life until now has been; it will change. The things we do now are the things that can make it better. No matter your age if you are ready for a change and want to Retool we want to help you. We want to bring ideas to you that will facilitate and help shape the change. Please comment, we look forward to hearing from you.

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